Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Half-Baked Bread & Literature

I had a conversation with myself last night in which I relentlessly beat my head against the keyboard for like...5 solid minutes. No concussion, thank goodness, but an epiphany I wasn't quite expecting.

The truth about being a writer is that it's hard - not just to sit down and get words onto paper, but to release your work to the public with the confidence that it's written to your standard of perfection.

I promise nothing that's Pulitzer worthy, but I do want to promise that the words you read are well thought out and meaningful to not only my characters, but to the plot as well. At the heart of this, I'm also a reader and when I consume half-baked literature it bums me out and makes me sick.

It won't be much longer. Minor changes are on the horizon and a heaping dose of patience and love. I'm learning as I go :)

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