Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You're Attracted To What??

I once had a man approach me and ask "Is it odd that I find your ankles attractive?" My immediate thought was YES. YES. Ummm...YES! and I prepared to tell him so, but then I realized... I'm attracted to some rather strange body parts myself.

The other day I found myself lusting after a man's calves, granted I felt silly for doing so. But it didn't hamper my desire nor the urge to reach out and feel their strength. I didn't act on that urge - lucky for him ;) 

It's not just limbs, lips, brows, and hips that attract women and men to each other. It can be something as simple as the tone of their voice (Ethan Peck) or the way they smell. I loved how Hermione describes freshly cut grass as one of the scents that attract her when reacting to Amortentia (Harry Potter).

Today I'm challenging myself to really think what attracts my characters to each other. Sure, beauty is always a predominant reason, but often times the strongest bonds are forged on the simplest of traits.

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