Monday, February 24, 2014

The Busy Bus

What happens when you're always busy? Is it a good thing? Yes. No. YESNO. It's a tough answer and I feel like it could go any way at anytime. Needless to say I've been riding the busy bus. In fact, I submitted First Position to Goodreads and refined the blurb, which felt nice like. The cover reveal should occur next weekend - and I am soooo excited :) As my list of "To Dos" is slowly dwindling, I sigh with relief but also feel immensely antsy. I already have so many other ideas I'm ready to put down on paper that I wish I had more hours in my day! I'm sure I'm not alone. To my friends who feel like they are constantly riding the busy bus, remember to get off every now and then to relax, recollect, & recharge. I know for me that's sometimes all I really need.

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