Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Free 99!

While I diligently work on edits for Second Nature I thought I'd throw in something fun. Tomorrow only, get First Position for FREE! :) If you haven't gotten around to downloading it, now's your chance - act fast!

Look for an excerpt from Second Nature sometime next week and, dare I say, maybe some cover art...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It's Finally Here!!

Almost two months post release date (I know, I know) First Position is finally live. Hooray! I'm so incredibly excited to share the first part of Lana and Rowan's love story and look forward to hearing your feedback.

I'll be making a greater effort to be present via social media because we all know it's my weak point. Catch me on Twitter @alicarterwrites or on Facebook. I have one...I think. I can't wait to get Second Nature out as well. The scheduled release is October 2014. Keep an eye out for a cover reveal and the opportunity to score an advanced reader copy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Half-Baked Bread & Literature

I had a conversation with myself last night in which I relentlessly beat my head against the keyboard for like...5 solid minutes. No concussion, thank goodness, but an epiphany I wasn't quite expecting.

The truth about being a writer is that it's hard - not just to sit down and get words onto paper, but to release your work to the public with the confidence that it's written to your standard of perfection.

I promise nothing that's Pulitzer worthy, but I do want to promise that the words you read are well thought out and meaningful to not only my characters, but to the plot as well. At the heart of this, I'm also a reader and when I consume half-baked literature it bums me out and makes me sick.

It won't be much longer. Minor changes are on the horizon and a heaping dose of patience and love. I'm learning as I go :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Social Part Of Media

I'll be the first to admit that blogging and social media is not my strong suit. Sometimes my head is so far up in the clouds that things get tabled that are otherwise fairly important. The good news: novels/novellas/short stories never get tabled. The bad news: social media does - BUT - I'm getting better about it.

First Position is launching on August 12th with Second Nature close behind. Look for the cover reveal for novella 2 in the Body Double series sometime in the next month!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First Position: Excerpt #1

If you saw my last post you may have noticed a very colorful Mona Lisa. Wasn't she just exquisite? I made mention of a possible excerpt which I am posting today - like, right now! Enjoy ;) Happy Hump Day!

 “Keep your eyes on your own paper,” he nipped, his tone playful.
“Am I giving you performance anxiety?” I asked. The question sounded overtly sexual and I felt my cheeks fill with blood. My body grew tense, waiting for him to respond. Instead, he walked over to look at my progress, standing behind me close enough to make his breath cling to my neck. The warmth made my stomach tumble.
“Performance never gives me anxiety,” he said, his voice coarse and nearly a whisper. A thousand different thoughts sprang into action. I envisioned Rowan in front of a camera acting. Playing soccer on a field somewhere in Leeds. Laying in bed next to me, a wicked smirk fixed upon his exhausted face. My mind lingered longer than necessary on the last one and I cleared by throat to break the silence.
“Care to wager?” I asked before I had a chance to think my words through. His eyebrows raised, considering me. “I bet my painting will sell for more.” No it won't, I thought. You're an idiot.
“And if it does?” He asked leaning in closer. The whole room seemed to go pin drop silent and I imagined everyone's eyes burning into us. I couldn't wager money. No. That wouldn't make sense. We both had plenty of that so it needed to be something outside of his comfort zone. Janie's presence drifted into my mind. Her lamenting form touching on everything she wanted to do but wouldn't. And then it came to me.
“Drag show,” I blurted out. Rowan was silent at first as he straightened up. His eyes suddenly coming alive with delight.
“That's it? That's your worst?” He laughed. “I love drag races. I'm almost inclined to let you win.” His hands clasped in front of his torso in a smug fashion.
“Drag show. Not races.” I said again, this time with better emphasis. I didn't need to elaborate. His expression fell and his arms drew defensively across his chest.
“You're joking, right?”
“Hey, you said performance never gives you anxiety,” I stated pleased to be using his words against him. “Actually...is that...is that sweat collecting on your brow?” My hand reached out to touch his forehead and he ducked away from me.
“Fine. It's not like you're going to win anyway. But if I win you go to a Manchester game with me,” he said.
“Done,” I agreed, turning to face the canvas before me, my expression fierce with determination.
“But in full war paint,” he added. His finger drew against my temple, swirling a few strands of hair. “Your brow.” He trailed his finger down my face. “Your cheeks.” And further down my jaw. “Your neck.” My body erupted in chills and I batted his hand away to keep him from seeing. He seemed amused anyway as he walked back to his easel.

That's all for now! Stay tuned for more....

Sunday, March 16, 2014

What's Up With Mona?

Though the Mona Lisa calls the Louvre home, she makes an appearance at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in First Position. Why? And in what capacity?

I can't say...yet. But as I combed through the scene I felt excited and inspired. Thus, this crazy, colorful creation by the hand of yours truly.

I would love to share an excerpt, and it'll pop up soon. For now, wonder among yourselves what delightful trouble Lana has stumbled into now...and be jealous that it wasn't you ;)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cover Reveal: First Position

The day is finally here. Book one of the Body Double series launches July 8th but the cover is ready for release. I'm so excited! I hope the cover engages readers as much as it did me. I feel it's a true reflection of the ambiance of the book and I'm excited to see how it's received. So...without further ado:

You can check out the synopsis on Goodreads or on my website. Stay tuned for excerpts and other upcoming surprises ;)

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